Copyright 2016


This website and the material contained in it are the copyright of Firth Tower. Firth Tower copyrighted material may be reproduced free of charge and without permission of Firth Tower, subject to the material being produced accurately and not being used in a derogatory or defamatory manner, or in a misleading context. All downloadable files remain the copyright of Firth Tower.


Where the material is reproduced, the source and copyright status must be clearly acknowledged in a prominent manner. Should you wish reproduce copyrighted material for any reason other than stated above it must be done in accordance with the Copyright Act 1994 or you must obtain written permission from Firth Tower.


The permission to use or reproduce content on this website does not extend to the use of Firth Tower logos or any material that is the copyright of a third party. Authorisation to reproduce such materials must be obtained from the copyright holders concerned.


Products and service’s names used on this site are assumed to be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective providers and should be contacted for permission for their use.

 Please note:

Firth Tower will be closed during Waitangi Day on 6 February 2025 . 

Firth Tower will open at 11am on Monday 10 February 2025 for staff training.  

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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