Events Calendar

Sustainability Sunday Fun Day
Sunday 13 April 2025, 10:00am - 03:00pm
by bmulligan
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

TMM Sustainability Day Poster

Would you like to learn some tips on living sustainably in a world where we seem to trash everything after 5 minutes?

While you're learning, the kids can have fun playing interactive games. There will be 10 minute presentations on a range of topics, as well as stalls run by local environmental groups.

Here’s a taster of what’s on offer at Sustainability Sunday Fun Day:

- Test your recycling skills

- What to do with hard to recycle items like Tetrapak

- How to compost your garden and food waste

- Preparation of waste free meals

- Are electric vehicles really the way to go?

- How solar panels can enhance your home

- Simple tips to make your home a healthy one

- Restore forest fragments

- Make a difference with predator control

- What to do about climate change

- Minimise your carbon footprint

- Swap home grown fruit and veg with others

- Learn how to op shop with style.

Frequently asked questions

When and where is the event?

Sustainability Sunday Fun Day is happening at Firth Tower, 266a Tower Road, Matamata, from 10am to 3pm on Sunday 13 April.

Do I need tickets?

No, the event is free. Visitors to the museum areas will need to pay the usual entry charge.

Is parking available?

Yes, parking wardens will direct traffic to the parking areas. If you can arrive by bicycle or scooter or on foot and reduce your carbon footprint that way, please do so!

What happens if it rains?

Very stormy weather would force a cancellation but a bit of rain won’t put us off. So grab your jackets and come along. In the couple of days prior, if things are looking dodgy weather-wise, we will use Facebook and Antenno to advise of cancellation.

Is the event family-friendly and dog-friendly?

Children’s acitivities will be offered and children will also be able to enter competitions like “guess the weight of the pumpkin” plus special ones for them. Sorry, dogs are not allowed anywhere on the Firth Tower site unless they are certified assistance dogs wearing appropriate coats and with ID.

Is the event accessible?

Yes, Firth Tower is wheelchair and mobility-friendly, with accessible pathways and facilities.

Firth Tower has a disabled car park space, accessible public toilets and level paved or gravel paths throughout. Please contact the museum on 07 888 8369 to discuss any special needs your group may have.

Will there be food and drinks?

A limited number of coffee and food options will be on site but do bring a picnic to enjoy on the lawn. There will be live music at lunchtime.

Can I take photos?

Yes! We’d love to see your photos on social media. On Facebook, tag the tower using @FirthTowerReserveAndMuseum and tag Transition Matamata using @TransitionMatamata.

What is Transition Matamata?

Transition Matamata is a non-profit community group focused on sustainable living. Our focus is centred around efficient energy and resource use, sustainable food production, flourishing local ecosystems, climate-friendly transport solutions and education for change. We run projects in the areas of gardening, composting, home-grown foods, predator control and recycling.

Further questions?

For more information, please contact the Tower Museum on 07 888 8369 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Location Firth Tower Reserve and Museum